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Bradley Broadcast – Bradley Broadcast and Pro Audio RADIO-GUIDE – Radio Guide is a free, monthly print publication. It contains used equipment classified ads, new equipment information, technical installation and…

FCC analysis of 12 more MX Groups

The groups addressed in this Order consist of applications that were filed or amended in October 2007, during the first filing window for NCE FM applications. These applicants have had…

FCC analysis of 32 MX Groups

The Media Bureau (“Bureau”) has before it for comparative consideration 32 groups of mutually exclusive applications for new or modified noncommercial educational (“NCE”) FM station construction permits. By this Memorandum…

NCE FM–2007 Window – Progress

As the FCC works its way through the more than 3,600 applications for NCE construction permits filed in 2007, it has now released another batch of applications in competition with…

FCC MX Groups from 2007 NCE Window

In October 2007, the Media Bureau (“Bureau”) received approximately 3,600 applications to construct new noncommercial educational (“NCE”) FM stations. The Bureau has processed all of the approximately 950 applications that…